Australia Indonesia Association
Canberra, ACT
Fun Vocational Classes
Indonesian Classes at AIA-ACT
Teachers are professional and native Indonesian speakers.
Classes are for adults - There are 6 levels catering for the absolute beginner through to advanced.
Advanced – Tuesdays 7-9 pm
Intermediate – Thursdays 7-9 pm
Beginners Level 3 - Mondays 6.30-8.30 pm
Beginners Level 2.2 – Mondays 7-9 pm
Beginners Level 2.1 – Wednesdays 7-9 pm
Beginners Level 1 - Tuesdays 7-9 pm
New classes start every term. There are 4 terms per year with each term starting the same week school returns in the ACT. Each term includes 8 lessons.
Classes run for 2 hours on 1 evening per week. The day and time vary for each level. Cost only $140 per term but with:$10 early bird discount for payments made a week before classes commence.$20 discount for AIA members. Classes are online using Zoom.
Face-to-face classes can be arranged if there is sufficient demand. Please feel welcome to contact AIA with any questions.
For more information and to be added to our email class reminder list:
· Webpage:
· Phone: 0406930835
· Email:
Term 1 2025 - Starts Week Beginning 3 February 2025
Book here:
Our tutors are native speakers and they have been teaching Indonesian in Australia for students from the private and public sectors for more than 10 years.

Betsy Phillips
Advanced Class Tutor

Yuni Ryan
Intermediate & Beginners 3 Tutor
Tutors may teach different classes each term.

Wanda Sumual
Beginners 1 & 2 Tutor

Phil Domaschenz
AIA Vice President
Language Training Administrator